got it working!!!
Finally, I got WordPress working… after fighting with php, mysql and freebsd for last couple of hours… unistalling php4, installling php5, and then reverting it all back… loosing SquirrelMail for a moment and then getting it back…
PHP port settings for FreebSD has changed recently. As described here.
Few days ago I updated my php4, but never restarted apache, so wasn’t aware of the changes – php was all working fine… until I decided it is time to install wordpress and during the process I restarted apache… then it all collapsed – well, tough lesson…
When I upgraded PHP4, I didn’t realise I just have a base install. Also, standard upgrade didn’t compile required Apache PHP module, that’s why PHP stopped working after I restared my webserver. I needed to run ‘make config’ in lang/php4 to make sure all necessary modules are compiled in. Also I needed to install lang/php4-extensions to add all other necessary php stuff.
And, on top of that, I noticed that extensions.ini did’t have all necessary modules included, namely:
Also, putting dynamic extensions to php.ini: helped in getting the wordpress install.php file working.
So now it’s all fine – and again I learned a lot…
May 17th, 2006 at 22:58
Welcome to the world of WordPress and blogging Jarek. I’m sure your effort will be worth it…